Blog: Pet Nutrition & Wellness

Cat stepping out of a closed litter box

Feline Urinary Tract Disease

Feline urinary tract disease (FUTD) is the general umbrella term for any disease that affects the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra of cats. Both males and females are affected by urinary tract disease equally; however incidence of some specific diseases in this category are more common in one sex than...

Cat looking up in front of wallpaper

Cold Weather Pet Safety Tips

Brrrr—it’s cold outside! The following guidelines will help you protect...

Dog holding a toothbrush in its mouth

What bad breath could mean for your pet?

Frequently pets are brought to see us at VetCare with the complaint of “bad breath” whether it is sudden in onset or been going on for a long time something can be done. Firstly let’s talk about the origin of the smell; bad breath is directly as a result of...

Pug sitting down in front of wallpaper

Tips for Feeding your Pet

How do I know if what I’m feeding my pet is OK? Is it better to do homemade...