Swimming Safety for Dogs

Swimming is a fun summer activity for both people and their pets. Like with all things we love there are some safety tips to consider! Here are some safety swimming tips for your pups:

1. Always know the area you and your pet are swimming in. If the area is new to you, talk to some locals or someone who has swam in that area before. A good question to ask is about possible under tows.

2. Watch the tide. Know if the tide is coming in or going out to ensure you do not get caught on a sand bar and cannot get back to the beach.

3. Be careful of the current.

4. Stay close to the beach or land the first time letting your dog swim. You need to know your dog’s limits so they do not get exhausted.

5. If taking your dog on a boat and allowing them to swim in deep water, a life jacket is recommended.

6. Check the shoreline for glass or potentially dangerous items that your dog could cut their selves on.

7. Try to avoid your dog drinking salt water. It could cause vomiting or diarrhea which could lead to dehydration.

8. Take fresh water with you for both you and your pet to avoid dehydration.

9. Protect your pets from water born parasites/ diseases.  Ex: vaccine for leptospirosis

10. Final tip: have a fun trip out swimming with your pet!


Have a fun safe summer full of adventure with family friends and pets. From all the staff at Vet Care Pet Hospital, Riverview NB.