Blog: worms

Warm Weather Tips Round-up

Here Comes Summer: Warm Weather Tips Round-up

With summer on its way, the sun is shining brighter and the temperature is getting higher every day! We thought now would be the perfect time to freshen your memory on some of our best tips for the warmer months to keep your pets happy, safe and parasite-free!

dog and cat bonding with eachother

Tapeworms: What You Need To Know

What are tapeworms? Tapeworms are long, flat worms that live in the intestine. Adult tapeworms can reach several inches in length and look similar to a white piece of ribbon or tape.


Roundworms: What You Need To Know

Last Spring, I started a blog series on parasites with two blogs on fleas and ticks. This year, I am taking you from the most common EXTERNAL parasites to the most common INTERNAL parasites your cats and dogs are faced with as the warmer weather starts to find us, beginning...

Veterinarian placing a stethoscope on a dog

Does my dog have worms and what can I do about it?

All dogs are exposed to worms when they first drink their mothers milk: sounds crazy? The worms and dogs have been evolving together for hundreds of thousands of years, and this ensures that each generation will pass it on to the next. The worm parasites lie dormant in the tissues...